Supporting Successful Life Transitions

Aaron Lieberman |

Congratulations! You’ve purchased a new home…you’ve welcomed a child into your family…you quit your job to start your own business…you…well you get the point. At some point in life, one, or all of those changes may apply to you. If and when they do, will you be ready financially or will your Financial Life Plan and subsequently your goals, take a backseat for a period of time? Life transitions can be minor changes in your life or major ones, it all depends on the situation. Preparing for them in advance gives you the best opportunity to successfully support them, without having to sacrifice the ability to work towards financial and life goals you have set for yourself as you approach retirement.

At Marathon Wealth Management, we train our life-centered financial professionals on how to help clients identify and prepare for both potential life transitions they expect to encounter, such as purchasing a home or welcoming a child, as well as unexpected life transitions such as the loss of a job. Factoring all of these potential life transitions into your Financial Life Plan allows for greater flexibility throughout your Financial Life Journey. When change comes, you will be able to stay the course, as opposed to scrambling and sacrificing at the expense of your goals just to get by.

Over the years, I have worked with clients who encountered all different kinds of life transitions. Some common, some uncommon, but what brought me great joy was that they were able to navigate through those transitions and come out on the other side, on track to meet the goals they set for themselves at the start of their Financial Life Journey.

Change can be exciting. Change can be overwhelming. Change can be so many things to so many people. Remember though, that preparedness is your biggest ally when you face change. When it comes to your own Financial Life Journey, be proactive. Be engaged. Consider what changes you could face and determine how you will handle them. You may find you need to make adjustments to your Financial Life Plan and if or when you do, we will be there to help you. Just know that no matter how much you plan, you always have to plan for change.

Marathon Wealth Management, Inc. (“Marathon”) is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission. Marathon provides investment advisory and related services for clients nationally. Marathon
will maintain all applicable registration and licenses.